Essential things to consider before selecting a badminton racquet


No matter what sport you are interested in, if you do not have the equipment in your hand, you can never be able to improve our skills in the game.

When it comes to playing badminton, other than the types of equipment like t-shirts, shoes, and socks, wrist bands, etc., the most significant thing is the racquet that you use, and it has to be a perfect one.

Having the ideal badminton racquet in your hand will help you to play better shot with more accuracy and improve your skills.

Some of the vital point to consider while choosing the right badminton racquet:

The proficiency level:

The first and foremost thing that you should be aware of when you go to purchase a new racquet for yourself is to understand the proficiency level you have.

There are classified models of badminton racquets available in the market that you should refer to, whether you are a professional player, an intermediate, or a beginner.

Hence, you should make sure to choose the racquet for yourself to have the maximal benefits in the game.


The weight of the racquet plays an important role. So, you need to choose the perfect one that has a proper mass that is not too light, not too heavy for you to move freely.

Badminton racquets usually come in several weight categories. Some come in 3U (85-89g) while some in 4U (80-84g).

A lighter weight racquet is always our recommendation for beginner players so that they find it easier to move the racquet and then progress to a heavier one to get more power.

The disadvantage of a heavy racquet is that it is much harder to control. So, unless you are skilled, this might be a problem for you.

Professional singles players generally use 3U weighted racquets, whereas doubles players tend to use 4U racquets.

The material:

Another crucial thing that you need to consider while purchasing a racquet is the material that is used in making the shaft of a racquet.

Steel, Graphite, and aluminum are the most important materials used in building a racquet’s shaft.

All of these materials might have their advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, you need to be aware when you go to choose the perfect racquet for yourself.

Balance point:

Apart from the weight and the material, a racquet is categorized by its balancing point.

There are three categories of balance.

a) Head heavy balance.

The head-heavy racquets help in providing more power in the shots and are perfect for the players who mostly play from the backcourt. These racquets are especially suitable for playing long rallies.

b) Head-light racquet.

The head-light racquets, on the other hand, have less weight towards the head area. Hence, it is very easier to control and make a softer swing with the head-light rackets.

These rackets are popular among the doubles players who need to react or respond quickly to every shot they play in the game. It also offers a lot more speed at the net and helps you to kill a game in the frontcourt.

c) Even balance.

As the name suggests, an even balance racket helps in providing a middle ground between a head-heavy racquet and a head-light racquet.

An even balance racquet is suitable for you if you don’t know what kind of playing style you are going to play.

Once you have established your style of playing, then you can transit to a head-heavy or a head-light racquet to improve your overall game.

Hand grip:

The essential factors that affect the grip of the racquet, namely its type and size.

a) Types – The two types of badminton grips – towel and synthetic.

Since towel grips are soft, they are pretty good for soaking sweat. They require to be changed very frequently, whereas synthetic grips are less untidy and pretty smooth. However, at times, these make them less comfortable due to its weak sweat absorption capacity.

b) Size of grips – Badminton racquet grips come in various sizes.

Those who want a tighter feel for generating more power in the shots they play always prefer bigger grips. On the other hand, those who like to play deceptive games always go for smaller grips.

String tension:

It is also essential to consider string tension in a racquet as it can also affect the way a racquet feels.

You can test the tension of racquet by pressing the palm of your hand against the strings so that you can get to see how far it sinks.

A racquet with a higher tension of string always provides better control, whereas the lower tension helps to generate more power and will be durable.

For beginners, 22-23 lbs is a proper tension to start with, whereas for advanced players, the recommended tension is 24-28 lbs. A thin string gives more control but will not be as durable as a thicker string.

Shaft flexibility:

Shaft flexibility is another important factor you should consider while buying a badminton racquet. Beginners generally go for a racquet with a flexible shaft, while the professional players prefer to have one with a stiff shaft as they have better technique and skills.

Stiff shaft is useful for the players with refined technique and powerful swing.

The Medium shaft is suitable for players with a developing technique.

Flexible shafts help in providing more power and better speed for beginners.

Head shape:

Most of the racquets nowadays are found in isometric head shape, i.e., with a wider top half of head than conventional oval-shaped racquets. The isometric head shape of a racquet gives an enlarged sweet spot to the players, whereas the conventional oval-shaped racquets have more real feel and control of the shuttle.

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